Ethical Analysis #1
One of the decisions makers in this case is Brandon Avery. Brandon is a student at James Madison University who suffers from stress and anxiety. His responsibility is going to the Counseling Center and receiving the proper care and treatment that he needs. Another decision maker in this case is the Counseling Center, their role and responsibility is to make sure that Brandon receives the help he needs to manage his stress and anxiety as well as helping him manage the triggers to these panic attacks. The Counseling Center need to provide treatment options for him and offer any other alternative method in helping him cope with his conditions. The last decision maker in this case would be Brandon's coach. After the coach saw Brandon having a panic attack and with information given to him, he is a factor. The role of a coach is not only to coach the student but to be a resource if needed. By Brandon talking to his coach in a private setting, assumptions can be made that Brandon does not want the Coach to say anything to anyone else.
The JMU Student Handbook code of ethics would apply to Brandon’s case in regards to bullying. Brandon was afraid that his teammates would laugh and pick on him which would go against the Student Standard of Conduct (i.e., bullying). Bullying is a huge thing that takes place in individuals lives. If Brandon did get picked on by his teammates, he could have reacted to the situation negatively such as committing suicide or etc. It would also apply because if Brandon were to do harm to himself, it is the school’s responsibility to recognize those signs and take the proper action needed to make sure Brandon does not engage in risky behaviors that might cause harm to himself or accidentally cause harm to the people around him.
Another code of ethics that would apply is the American Counseling Association (ACA). It is the Counselors’ duty to inform Brandon about the nature of his mental condition and to inform him about possible treatment plans and medication interventions and they must also establish confidentiality between the psychologist and Brandon. If it becomes clear that Brandon does not need to receive any more treatment, it is their job to inform Brandon of the termination of the therapy. If they feel that Brandon is not getting any improvements or benefits from the therapy, they can suggest alternative service providers.
The last code of ethics would be the Coaching Code of Ethics. Brandon's Coach is responsible for not only coaching his athletes but also making sure that they are also emotionally stable. By his coach referring him to the Counseling Center, he was not violating his code of ethics.